Corporate IT infrastructure assessment, planning and implementation. Network infrastructure and Server to cloud migrations. Data compliance & security - information governance. Local and cloud backup. MS Azure & Office 365/Hosted Exchange administration. Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM). Remote monitoring and management (RMM). IT device procurement, sales and enrollment. Device refresh, upgrades and device retirement. Shop repairs and data recovery. Compuresource has you covered.

Upon new customer on-boarding we assess your current IT infrastructure if any. We look at your company objectives and goals as well as workflows. We look at your pain-points and inefficiencies.
We look at your internet and internet security at the point of entry, assess existing network hardware, workstations, mobile devices and end point protection status.
We look at your software and assess licensing needs and requirements.
We assess end user behavior and workflows.
We discuss the assessment with the corporate executives responsible for IT.
We discuss corporate IT strategies and goals, potential corporate data security and compliance requirements as well as look at your IT budget.
We then prepare a detailed IT road map
On the basis of good planning, hardware and software, we build your infrastructure within your budget with future expansion possibilities in mind.
Partial device refresh and upgrades may be possible to safe money.
The choices made here are instrumental for the future success of your business. Time is money from the get go.
Procurement and sales
While it is fun and empowering to make your own purchasing decisions or let your staff make them for you, when it comes to IT, those decisions are not an easy task and can be extremly time consuming with the sheer volume of products available. It gets more expensive if the wrong decision was made. We see it all the time and often have to patch things up in hinsight. We have been purchasing and selling IT equipment for customers for over 20 years and know all the ins and outs. The fact is, there hasn't been a day where things haven't been changing in the IT landscape, and to stay on top of it all is a full time job, and its our job.
Data backup & recovery
Data backup has become much easier then it used to be. Much of it is done via cloud services. While cloud services have come a long way, and many of those services are freely available for end users, some businesses still rely on data stored locally. Local backups should be still performed if a separate cloud backup from the main cloud storage facility isn't used. Also, in some instances, files may be too large, and local internet be too slow for reliable day to day operation.
We provide both, the best hardware solutions from NAS to SAN as well as cloud solutions for a lighter workload based on price and reliability.
Unfortunately, in some cases, data recovery is still necessary. Backup solutions may have failed, or as still the case, not existent.
All is rarely ever lost; When things go wrong, we can help you get your data back. Call us for a free consultation.
Implementing or transitioning to a new IT infrastructure is no doubt the most difficult but also most critical step, as the company needs to function with little to no interruption.
As we will need to transition from, e.g. uncompliant devices, be it as they are too old, or provide an easy entry point due to improper security, a new implementation may bring inconveniences to start with, as there is always a learning curve in new implements.
We try to mitigate these via efficiencies gained, good training and discussion of the objectives.
Over time, and without exception, these initial inconveniences will bring confidence from a data security perspective, workflow efficiencies - speed, reliability (fewer to no downtime) and ultimately make the workplace a better workplace. Most if not all of our implements provide a "Work from home" option where possible.
SLA's or not, once implemented, we can keep track of your systems via our remote monitoring management systems no matter where the staff is working.
MS Azure Cloud & MDM
MS Azure cloud has allowed us to change how we work. We used to rely on in house servers which is no longer needed for most businesses.
With the proper implement, the most obvious advantage is that your staff can now work from anywhere in the world without having to be in an office from 9-5.
Our IT admins can control all corporate data, security/compliance/information governance as well as device compliance at all times, even in case where a device is lost or stolen.
This pertains to laptops and smartphones. Android, iOS, macOS and Windows devices are covered and protected with device and compliance policies and/or app policies. Remote policy enforcement such as encryption, remote device wipe or refresh are possible at an instant.
Lost or stolen device replacements can be re-enrolled within minutes and keep the staff working where they left off.
Transitioning to Azure cloud with MS Office 365 and MS Intune will allow you to do it all at a fraction of the cost for local server implements.
Sysdiag/Repair/Pickup & Drop off
And yes, we still do it. You can spend hours on a small repair; Chances are, if you have to watch a youtube video first before you can tackle it yourself, you waste time and money.
Most of our shop services are charged with flat fee pricing, because there isn't a thing we haven't seen.
With over 20 years of break and fix experience that started with our retail facilities, we have you covered.
Why have your own staff or yourself fix things that we do in a fraction of the time with predictable results. We have established an extensive parts supplier data base that allows us to get repair parts fast and inexpensive.
Focus on your core business and let others do what they are best at. Outsource your repairs with us.
We can pickup your device and drop it off again after the repair.
Security, Remote Maintenance & Monitoring
Has your company gone through a security audit? Do you have procedures in place to act on exposure to viruses and malware, theft of equipment or physical property, theft of customer information or sensitive computer files, computer hardware failure, fire or other disasters, electrical surge?
We can help you setup the procedures, provide the proper hardware/software and provide remote assistance and monitoring of your systems to detect issues before they escalate. Our RMM system is integrated with our ticketing system to keep track of all relevant events for you to review at any time via our client portal.